The Complete Stock Trading and Investing Program

Everything you need to learn stock trading & investing

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The Complete Stock Trading and Investing Program XT

All the essentials PLUS access to live webinars with Anna & David

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The Complete Stock Trading and Investing Program

  • 19 Major Learning Modules

  • 34 Online PDFs

  • Full Suite of Trading Indicators

  • Over 300 Hours of Videos + Podcasts

  • Access to VPA Chat Room Hosted by Anna & David

The Complete Stock Trading and Investing Program XT


  • Live webinars with Anna & David



These are the twenty-one core modules on which the Complete Stock Trading And Investing Program is built. Together, they represent a rich and encyclopedic wealth of information based on Anna and David's 25 years of both stock trading and investing. Each module is free-standing and designed to deliver this knowledge in bite-sized pieces, each building on the next to deliver the complete program and supported by the immense PDF library. You can think of these as if pieces of a jigsaw puzzle which, when dropped into place, deliver a complete picture of knowledge and from it, the confidence to apply this to your own trading and investing approach.


This is where you will find a vast library of online PDFs that expand on the core modules and live webinars of the stock trading and investing program. In total, there are thirty-four PDFs. Every topic, from bond trading and investing to the psychology of trading, is covered in this comprehensive library of trading and investing education.  They can be read as free-standing books or alongside the ten core modules that make up the stock program. So whether you are a day trader or longer term stock investor, it is all here—your own personal trading and investing library. Here are some ideas you might like to consider:-

For example, 0DTE Options And How To Trade Them and Introduction To Option Trading Strategies can be read with the core module Ways To Trade Stock Markets, as would Investing Using ETFs. For the Technical Analysis module, it would be Stock Trading And Investing Using Volume Price Analysis - 200 worked examples, while for the Techniques Of Fundamental Stock Analysis module, it would be the PDF Return On Invested Capital (ROIC) Ratio.


Along with... the essential package of trading tools and indicators for stocks from Quantum Trading

The program includes the Essential Package of Quantum Trading indicators, giving you all the tools you need to succeed whether you choose the base or XT program. The tools have been designed to identify trading opportunities quickly and easily and in all timeframes, and then once in the market, to help you stay in. And just as important, when to get out. These are now available for NinjaTrader, TradingView, TradeStation, and MT4/MT5 trading platforms.

You can change from one platform to another at any time - it's your choice and as easy as sending us an email. So, if you join the program on one trading platform and later wish to move to another, which many of our students do, you can. It's simple and straightforward so your investment in software with us is always fully protected.

FOR XT Students ONLY ... you will be able to join Anna and David in their live webinars

These live webinars with Anna and David are only available to XT students and will run at various times to accommodate our students around the world. When you join the program, you will be invited to register for these private webinars, and details will then be sent to you for you to subscribe.

But don't worry if you can't make it to the live sessions, as each will be recorded and then posted in the live webinar library section of the site for you to watch at a time that is convenient for you.

These sessions are designed to build on the topics and content created in the program using live charts and covering the spectrum of risk and trading and investing opportunities from intraday out to long-term investing. All the major instruments and markets will be covered, from stocks to options and futures, ETFs, commodities, and bonds, and so build into a vast library of additional invaluable curated knowledge. Finally, this is a great opportunity to interact with Anna and David directly and to ask them any questions you wish, which they will always be happy to answer.

And backed up... with membership to a group of like-minded traders

As part of your ongoing support and development as a trader or investor, you will have access to our volume price analysis traders and investors group. This is available whether you are on the base program or the XT program.

It is a private room hosted by Anna and David, giving you additional access to their combined 50 years of trading knowledge and expertise. The group is called VPA Traders, and as soon as you join either program, you will be sent an invitation to register and join the group.

Many of our students find this group immensely helpful as it is a friendly environment to learn with both less experienced and more experienced supporting one another, and all with one common goal. Both Anna and David are happy to answer questions posted in the room as this helps everyone learn from each other, but you do have the option to message them privately if preferred. The VPA Traders chat room is open 24/7 so you can access it at any time to chat with fellow students, post messages, upload charts, or ask questions.



We've tried to cover as much of the program as we can in the above summaries, but of course, we always appreciate you may have more questions. Not simply questions about the structure, content, or software that is included in the program, but perhaps just as important, questions such as 'What will this program do for me?' In other words, those broader questions which help you in your decision-making process. So what we have tried to do here is to answer these for you.

Why choose this program?

A good question and one we are often asked, so here are our three reasons for choosing this program. First, it is unique in that it covers the complete spectrum from trading at one end to investing at the other and everything in between. You might think as a trader that investment is of no interest, and that might be true at present. However, scroll forward a few years, and having made money as a trader, how are you going to invest your hard-earned profits, and the chances are that some or all will be placed in the markets. So, it may have no direct relevance today, but tomorrow it certainly will.

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Second, the program covers another complete spectrum, and in this case, it's in terms of investing, where we cover everything from the so-called passive approach to the active. So we cover both approaches in detail with nothing left out, so you can be assured whichever group you fall into, we have you covered.

Third and last, even if you decide ultimately that you prefer a financial advisor to manage your money, you will have at your fingertips the knowledge gained in this program to have a meaningful conversation, and more importantly to advise them of the investment approach you would like them to take and why.

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What will this program do for me?

In short, it will give you one thing. Confidence. Confidence to take a position in the market, confidence to stay in a position through all the ups and downs of trend development, and lastly, confidence to develop an approach to the market that suits you and your personality traits. From confidence comes success as you are then trading or investing on logic and common sense and not on emotion. Once you understand how the markets work, their complex relationships, the ebb and flow of sentiment, and how this all fits together, the pieces of the jigsaw then fall into place.

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Far too many traders struggle and ultimately fail, not because they do not understand the business of trading, but because they do not understand who they are and what is, therefore, the best approach... for them. Trading is a very personal business and in the psychology module, you will learn how to discover who you are and develop your trading persona and style to match. An ill-fitting shoe will always be painful and uncomfortable. Here you will discover how to develop your handmade shoes, which will lead to confidence in the trading and investing approach you ultimately adopt. You may prefer a more passive approach or, alternatively, one which is active. The program explains both approaches in detail, from which you can then make a balanced decision and select the one that you feel best fits your personality traits.

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How does the program work?

The program has been created using various media formats and in different ways. We are all different, and we all learn in entirely different ways, and we have, therefore, tried to accommodate this in the delivery of the modules and content.

The primary delivery for the core content uses either video or online ebooks. In terms of the videos, many of these are animated slides that have been created to deliver complex content in an easily digestible format, while other videos present examples of volume price analysis in action across a variety of stocks and timeframes. All the video content is then backed up with a vast online PDF library, which runs to several hundred thousand words and where we expand on many of these ideas and concepts in more detail.

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The psychology of trading is a classic example of this, where the module itself is then supported with a total of eight ebook, which expand in great detail, providing greater depth and breadth to the topic so that you have an unrivaled perspective on understanding who you are as a trader or investor. The technical analysis module is another example. The videos provide a solid foundation to the subject in terms of the theory, and this is them backed up by a library of worked examples in terms of ebook-based content, coupled with further videos where David presents a huge number of stocks and analyzes them across a variety of timeframes.

If you are on the XT program then you will also benefit from the weekly webinars with Anna and David, which expand further on all the topics covered in the program while using live markets.

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How can I use this program?

The choice is yours, which is why we have created the elements as free-standing and self-directed. We understand that many of our students are in full-time employment and this is why we created the modular program using videos, video podcasts and online ebooks, covering all you need to know, and which you can study at your own pace and at a time to suit you. As everything is taught from first principles, this knowledge, coupled with the Quantum Trading indicators and tools can be applied to any timeframe and to any market. So even if you ultimately decide to apply the lessons learned to other markets and instruments, the knowledge and skills you learn here, will never be wasted. As the saying goes, teach a man to fish, and you feed him for life. This is what this program is all about.

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This is why everything in the course is taught from first principles, from price action, to the application of volume, to relational aspects and understanding fundamental news, as well as developing your own trading persona. This then provides a comprehensive platform on which to build your own unique trading and investing approach. As always, there is no right or wrong way. Just the way that suits you, your personality and the time you have available. And if you are already trading using some of the free standard indicators widely available, then that's fine and indeed we cover these in the course itself. There is nothing wrong with using free trading indicators, which can then be applied to an underlying methodology such as volume price analysis which we teach in the program. This is one of the many beauties of this approach. From the solid foundation of this approach, you can then apply any other approach, whether using free or proprietary indicators, or perhaps applying an approach such as using Fibonacci or Elliot Wave. You decide. It's your trading approach that matters, not ours. As an existing trader,what you will have are the skills and knowledge to better understand and develop your trading style. As a new or novice trader, you will have all you need to build your own trading tactics and approach built on sound knowledge and years of trading expertise.

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You can choose between the base program or the extended XT option to get access to exciting live and fresh content from Anna and David.

The Complete Stock Trading and Investing Program

Everything you need to learn stock trading & investing

The Complete Stock Trading and Investing Program XT

All the essentials PLUS access to live webinars with Anna & David